Watts水技术公司报告,Q2 EPS为2.46美元,超过估计数,并提出了2024财政年度的指导意见,但面临降级和内幕出售。 Watts Water Technologies reported Q2 EPS of $2.46, exceeding estimates, and raised FY 2024 guidance, but faced downgrades and insider selling.
Watts水技术公司(NYSE:WTS)报告,Q2收入为2.46 EPS,比协商一致的估计超出0.13美元。 Watts Water Technologies (NYSE:WTS) reported Q2 earnings of $2.46 EPS, exceeding the consensus estimate by $0.13. 收入为5.9730亿美元,高于预期。 Revenue was $597.30 million, higher than expected. 该公司更新了2024财政年度EPS指南,宣布季度红利为0.43美元,收益率为0.94%。 The company updated its FY 2024 guidance for EPS and declared a $0.43 quarterly dividend with a yield of 0.94%. 然而,若干分析家降低了对该公司的评级,最近还发生了内幕销售。 However, several analysts have downgraded their ratings on the company and insider selling has occurred recently.