悉尼帮派利用偷来的汽车进行监视和逃逸,将合同杀人外包给其他团体以赚取收入。 Sydney gangs outsource contract killings to other groups for revenue, using stolen cars for surveillance and getaways.
悉尼帮派将合同杀人外包给其他团体以换取收入,偷来的汽车被用作监视和逃跑的车辆。 Sydney gangs outsource contract killings to other groups for revenue, with stolen cars used as surveillance and getaway vehicles. 外包暴力的增加表明,帮派侧重于洗钱和控制犯罪活动。 A rise in outsourced violence indicates gangs focus on money laundering and controlling criminal activities. 警察从Fairfield East扣押了多辆被盗汽车,据信这些汽车被用于严重犯罪活动。 Police have seized multiple stolen cars from Fairfield East, believed to be used in serious crime activities. 据侦探总长Jason Weinstein说,由于帮派转而将部分犯罪活动外包,合同杀人费用为50万至100多万美元。 Contract killings cost $50k to over $1m, as gangs turn to outsourcing parts of their criminal operations, according to Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Weinstein.