巴基斯坦政府计划建立一个新的机构,以管理基本药品价格。 Pakistan's government plans to establish a new body to regulate essential medicine prices.
巴基斯坦政府计划设立一个新的机构来管理药品价格,从《禁毒行动计划》中负责。 Pakistan's government plans to establish a new body to regulate medicine prices, taking the responsibility from DRAP. 根据卫生组织的清单,新机构将控制大约500种基本药品。 The new body will control around 500 essential medicines, based on WHO's list. 这一举措是政府改革的一部分,也是精简联邦卫生部工作的一部分。 This move is part of government reforms and efforts to streamline the federal health ministry. 以前对非基本药品价格的放松管制改善了供应和竞争,可能降低成本,吸引国内和国际投资。 Deregulation of non-essential medicine prices previously has improved availability and competition, possibly lowering costs and attracting domestic and international investments.