2 蒙大拿州监狱囚犯被控在监狱人满为患的情况下对一名女官员进行性攻击。 2 Montana State Prison inmates charged for sexually assaulting a female officer amid prison overcrowding.
两名蒙大拿州监狱囚犯被控在6月8日对一名女狱警进行性攻击。 Two Montana State Prison inmates were charged for sexually assaulting a female corrections officer on June 8th. 人手不足的监狱关押着1 600多名囚犯,被认为人满为患,助长了暴力的增加。 The understaffed prison, housing over 1,600 inmates, is considered overcrowded, contributing to increased violence. 已经因2012年罪行而服刑的囚犯在她检查牢房时袭击了该警官;同僚用胡椒喷雾来制服攻击者。 The inmates, already serving sentences for 2012 crimes, attacked the officer while she was checking cells; fellow officers used pepper spray to subdue the attackers.