路易斯安那州执法机构逮捕了Uri Parra Gonzalez和Gregory Wright, 罪名是对儿童进行性剥削。 Louisiana law enforcement agencies arrested Uri Parra Gonzalez and Gregory Wright for child sexual exploitation.
路易斯安那州警察局、联邦调查局、麦迪逊维尔警察局和杰斐逊教区治安官办公室合作开展了对儿童性剥削的调查,导致Uri Parra Gonzalez(35人)和Gregory Wright(31人)被捕。 Louisiana State Police, FBI, Madisonville Police, and the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office collaborated on a child sexual exploitation investigation, leading to the arrests of Uri Parra Gonzalez (35) and Gregory Wright (31). 两名男子被控对青少年的猥亵行为和计算机辅助引诱未成年人。 Both men were charged with indecent behavior with juveniles and computer-aided solicitation of minors. 参与机构正在进行调查。 The ongoing investigation is being conducted by the participating agencies.