兰博基尼计划将印度的销售量从2023年的103个单位增加到2026年的150个单位。 Lamborghini plans to increase India sales from 103 units in 2023 to 150 units by 2026.
兰博基尼旨在使印度成为亚太区域的顶级市场,目标是大幅度提高销售量,从2023年的103个单位增加到2026年的150个单位。 Lamborghini aims to make India a top market in the Asia Pacific region, targeting a significant growth in sales from 103 units in 2023 to 150 units by 2026. 意大利豪华汽车制造商将印度的年轻客户基础、快速增长的经济以及正在进行的基础设施发展作为这一增长的关键因素。 The Italian luxury carmaker credits India's young customer base, fast-growing economy, and ongoing infrastructure development as key factors for this growth. 全球最年轻的客户基础和不断增长的开办文化有助于兰博基尼乐观的前景。 The youngest customer base globally and the growing start-up culture contribute to Lamborghini's optimistic outlook.