16岁的爱尔兰女童失踪; 加尔达伊暂停搜索,但如果出现新的线索,可能恢复搜索。 16-year-old Irish girl missing; Gardaí suspend search but may resume if new leads emerge.
爱尔兰16岁女孩自周一以来一直失踪,警方暂停搜索. 16-year-old Irish girl missing since Monday; Gardaí suspend search. 警察的广泛努力,包括搜救行动,尚未找到失踪的少年。 Extensive efforts by the Gardaí, including search and rescue operations, have not located the missing teenager. 警方正在敦促任何知道女孩下落的人站出来。 The police force is urging anyone with information about the girl's whereabouts to come forward. 搜寻工作仍然暂时停止,但如果出现新的线索,可能会恢复。 The search remains temporarily halted but could potentially be reinstated if new leads emerge.