31岁的Andrew James Thompson被捕,被控谋杀、纵火和骚扰致命的Napanee、安大略火灾。 31-year-old Andrew James Thompson arrested, charged with murder, arson, and harassment for fatal Napanee, Ontario fire.
来自皮克顿的31岁的Andrew James Thompson因在安大略纳帕尼发生致命火灾,造成67岁的Walter Lasher丧生而被捕并被指控犯有谋杀、纵火和刑事骚扰罪。 31-year-old Andrew James Thompson, from Picton, has been arrested and charged with murder, arson, and criminal harassment in connection with a fatal fire in Napanee, Ontario, which claimed the life of 67-year-old Walter Lasher. Thompson总共面临五起指控 调查正在进行中 涉及多个机构 Thompson faces five charges in total, and the investigation is ongoing with multiple agencies involved. 设立了GoFundMe运动,帮助支付丧葬费和其他与该事件有关的费用。 A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help cover funeral and other costs related to the incident.