由于事故报告增加, 密歇根州的贝里恩县警长部门在劳动节期间增加了醉酒和吸毒驾驶巡逻. Berrien County Sheriff's Department in Michigan increases drunk and drugged driving patrols during Labor Day due to increased crash reports.
由于事故报告增加, 密歇根州的贝里恩县警长部门在劳动节期间从8月10日到9月2日加强了对醉酒和吸毒驾驶的巡逻. Berrien County Sheriff's Department in Michigan boosts patrols for drunk and drugged driving from Aug 10 to Sep 2 during Labor Day, due to increased reports of crashes. 警长助理格雷格桑德斯敦促公众安排指定司机或叫乘车如果饮酒. Undersheriff Greg Sanders urges public to arrange designated drivers or call rides if consuming alcohol. “清醒驾驶或被拦下”活动旨在减少事故,并强调对危害他人的严厉处罚,包括罚款、提高保险费率和可能的监禁时间。 The "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign aims to reduce incidents and highlights severe penalties for endangering others, including fines, increased insurance rates, and potential jail time.