印度最顶尖的拖拉机出口品牌Sonalika在2024-25财政年度的4个月中销售了51 268台拖拉机。 Sonalika, India's top tractor export brand, reached 51,268 tractor sales in 4 months of FY2024-25.
印度最顶尖的拖拉机出口品牌Sonalika在2024-25财政年度四个月内超过50 000台拖拉机销售额,到2024年7月达到51 268台拖拉机销售额。 Sonalika, India's top tractor export brand, surpassed 50,000 tractor sales within four months of fiscal year 2024-25, achieving 51,268 tractor sales by July 2024. 其成功归功于定制的拖拉机,包括20-120台惠普型拖拉机、先进技术和内部生产能力。 Their success is attributed to customized tractors ranging from 20-120 HP, advanced technologies, and in-house production capabilities. Sonalika是国内工业的主要市场份额获取者,其创新旨在塑造印度农业的未来。 Sonalika is positioned as a leading market share gainer in the domestic industry, with their innovations designed to shape the future of Indian agriculture.