QBE保险集团的半年净利润增加了100%,达到80 200万美元,这是由于灾难成本降低。 QBE Insurance Group's half-year net profit increased 100% to $802m, driven by lower catastrophe costs.
QBE保险集团在税后半年净利润增加100%,达到80 200万美元,书面保险费总额增加1.9%,达到13.05bn美元。 QBE Insurance Group posted a 100% increase in half-year net profit after tax to US$802m with gross written premium up 1.9% to US$13.05bn. 澳大利亚承保人的净利润改善是由较低的灾难成本和稳定的储备发展推动的。 The Australian insurer's net profit improvement was driven by lower catastrophe costs and stable reserve development. 尽管取得了积极成果,但在宣布之后,份额下降了4.9%,这可能是因为分析人员的期望低于预期。 Despite the positive results, shares declined 4.9% following the announcement, possibly due to falling short of analysts' expectations.