新西兰在线安全或网络安全组织(NetSafe)建议,应提高警惕,防止钓鱼、报告潜在危险或犯罪。 NZ online safety org Netsafe advises vigilance against catfishing, reporting potential dangers or crime.
新西兰在线安全组织Netsafe敦促对鲶鱼保持警惕,建议仔细审查新的在线联系人,避免分享个人信息,并将不愿视频通话视为潜在的危险信号。 Netsafe, a NZ online safety org, urges vigilance against catfishing, advising to scrutinize new online contacts, avoid sharing personal info, and consider reluctance to video call as potential red flags. 提示包括检查概况完成情况,并在怀疑有危险或犯罪时提出报告。 Tips include checking profile completion and reporting if in danger or crime is suspected. 警察可以关闭违规网页,认真对待所有投诉。 Police can shut down offending pages and take all complaints seriously.