尼日利亚参议员Ned Nwoko否认死亡传言, Nigerian Senator Ned Nwoko denies death rumors, threatens legal action against spreaders.
尼日利亚参议员Ned Nwoko代表Delta North参议员区否认他在瑞士死亡的谣言, Nigerian Senator Ned Nwoko, representing Delta North Senatorial District, has denied rumours of his death in Switzerland, calling the reports false and malicious. 他威胁要对那些散布这些谎言的人采取法律行动,强调必须追究对其行为负责的人的责任。 He has threatened legal action against those spreading these falsehoods, emphasizing the importance of holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Nwoko参议员还谈到最近对购买汽车的侮辱和指控,说这些是毫无根据和误导性的。 Senator Nwoko also addressed recent insults and accusations regarding a car purchase, stating that these are baseless and misleading.