Cullman县警察局和委员会从心肺病解决方案公司为急救人员购买80个AED。 Cullman County Sheriff's Office and Commission buy 80 AEDs from Cardiac Solutions for first responders.
Cullman县治安官办公室与Cullman县委员会合作,从设在伯明翰的心肺病解决方案公司购买80台自动外部除颤器。 Cullman County Sheriff's Office has partnered with Cullman County Commission to purchase 80 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) from Birmingham-based Cardiac Solutions. 这些设备将分发给巡逻代表、学校资源代表、看守所和全职老年中心,以提高心脏紧急情况下的急救能力。 The devices will be distributed among patrol deputies, School Resource Deputies, detention centers, and full-time senior centers to improve first response capabilities during cardiac emergencies. 心电图解决方案将提供使用AED的培训。 Cardiac Solutions will provide training on AED usage.