NJ的Camden县计划在秋季建造一个新的滑冰公园,由县和州援助供资。 Camden County, NJ, plans to build a new skate park in fall, funded by county and state aid.
新泽西州卡姆登县正在建造一个新的滑冰公园,定于9月开工,秋季结束时完工。 Camden County, New Jersey is building a new skate park, set to begin construction in September and completed by end of fall. 该公园位于北公园道附近,旨在为各种年龄的滑板运动员提供一个空间。 Located off North Park Drive, the park aims to provide a space for skateboarders of all ages. 在州和州援助的资助下,它将是该地区第二个滑冰公园。 Funded by the county and state aid, it will be the second skate park in the region.