阿塞拜疆国营石油公司SOCAR预计到2025年,年产量将增长0.5%, Azerbaijan's state oil company SOCAR expects 0.5% annual growth in production until 2025, and Fitch Ratings upgraded its rating to 'BBB-'.
阿塞拜疆国营石油公司SOCAR预计自2023-2025年以来,年产量将增长0.5%,产量稳定在286k boe/d。 Azerbaijan's state oil company SOCAR is expected to see an annual 0.5% growth in production from 2023-2025, with stable output at 286k boe/d. 惠誉评级提升了SOCAR的IDR和高级无担保评级,从“BB+”改为“BBBB-”,引述了国家支持、财政担保和重大能源项目中的关键作用。 Fitch Ratings upgraded SOCAR's IDR and senior unsecured rating to 'BBB-' from 'BB+', citing state support, financial guarantees, and key roles in significant energy projects. SOCAR的强劲财务状况预计会持续到2027年,由于石油和天然气价格上涨以及业务规模不大,现金流动情况有所改善。 SOCAR's strong financial profile is predicted to continue until 2027, with improved cash flow due to higher oil and gas prices, and moderate scale of operations.