AEW将“Meat Mayhem”的商标归档, AEW files trademark for "Meat Mayhem," expanding its meat-related entertainment offerings.
所有Elite Wrestling(AEW)都提交了“Meat Mayhem”的商标申请, All Elite Wrestling (AEW) filed a trademark application for "Meat Mayhem," their second meat-related trademark filing. “Meat Madness”一词以前用于取消摔跤比赛,但新应用程序涵盖各种与摔跤有关的娱乐服务,包括现场表演、摔跤节目、活动、多媒体传播和电视节目。 The term "Meat Madness" was previously used for a cancelled wrestling match, but the new application covers various wrestling-related entertainment services, including live performances, wrestling programs, events, multimedia distribution, and television productions.