37 岁的史蒂文和 35 岁的萨布丽娜是英国“爱是盲目的”的两名参与者,他们在没有面对面会面的情况下订婚。 37-year-old Steven and 35-year-old Sabrina, two Love Is Blind UK participants, got engaged without a face-to-face meeting.
《Love Is Blind UK》于 8 月 7 日在 Netflix 首播,讲述了 30 位单身人士寻找生活伴侣的故事,没有进行初步的面对面会面。 Love Is Blind UK premiered on Netflix on August 7th, featuring 30 singles searching for life partners, without initial face-to-face meetings. 第一对订婚和面对面见面的夫妇是Steven,37岁的健身房老板,来自伯明翰,和Sabrina,他是来自贝尔法斯特的35岁的营销和通信主任。 The first couple to get engaged and meet face-to-face were Steven, a 37-year-old gym owner from Birmingham, and Sabrina, a 35-year-old marketing and communications director from Belfast. 他们的旅途继续时有发生,但他们目前的关系状况仍不得而知。 Their journey continued in episodes, but their current relationship status remains unknown.