据报告,29岁的Isaac Hayden, 不在Newcastle的计划中,可以借给锦标赛俱乐部。 29-year-old Isaac Hayden, not in Newcastle's plans, is reportedly available for loan to Championship clubs.
据报告,29岁的Newcastle United中场员Isaac Hayden在合同上尚有两年时间,据报他本季可以贷款。 29-year-old Newcastle United midfielder Isaac Hayden, who has two years remaining on his contract, is reportedly available for loan this season. Hayden已经吸引了冠军赛俱乐部Hull City、West Brom和QPR的注意, Not in Eddie Howe's first-team plans, Hayden has caught the attention of Championship clubs Hull City, West Brom, and QPR, his previous loan side. 哈登于2016年从阿森纳加盟纽卡斯尔,在171场比赛中为俱乐部打进7球并获得10次助攻. Hayden, who joined Newcastle from Arsenal in 2016, has scored seven goals and registered ten assists in 171 games for the club.