8月7日因氨气泄漏在浦那食品加工单位住院的17名工人。 17 workers hospitalized due to ammonia gas leak at Pune food processing unit on August 7.
由于8月7日氨气泄漏,印度浦那一家食品加工厂的17名工人住院治疗。 17 workers at a food processing unit in Pune, India were hospitalized due to an ammonia gas leak on August 7. Yavat的即食食品加工单位使用氨水将温度维持在18摄氏度以下。 The ready-to-eat food processing unit in Yavat used ammonia to maintain temperatures below 18°C. 在事件发生时的25人中, 有17人受影响, 一名妇女在ICU处处于稳定状态. Among the 25 people present during the incident, 17 were affected, with one woman in the ICU in stable condition. 其余16名工人稳定,没有危险。 The remaining 16 workers are stable and out of danger. 泄漏是由工厂的内部安全系统控制的 The leak was controlled by the factory's internal safety system.