8 月 7 日,不列颠哥伦比亚省菲尔德附近发生 2 车相撞事故,关闭了加拿大横贯公路,造成多人重伤。 2-vehicle crash near Field, BC on Aug 7 closed Trans-Canada Highway, multiple serious injuries.
8月7日,在不列颠哥伦比亚省Field附近发生了两辆汽车撞车事件,导致横贯加拿大的公路双向关闭。 A two-vehicle crash occurred near Field, British Columbia on August 7, leading to the closure of the Trans-Canada Highway in both directions. 这次碰撞发生在1号公路和Emerald湖路,造成多处重伤。 The collision, which took place on Highway 1 and Emerald Lake Road, resulted in multiple serious injuries. 高速公路关闭了几个小时,Golden-Field皇家骑警敦促目击者致电250-344-2221获取任何相关信息。 The highway remained closed for several hours, and the Golden-Field RCMP urged witnesses to call 250-344-2221 for any relevant information.