多伦多新的WNBA特许经营权在8月28日之前寻求球队名称、身份和颜色的粉丝投入。 Toronto's new WNBA franchise seeks fan input for team name, identity, and colors by August 28.
多伦多新的WNBA特许经营权由Kilmer体育公司拥有,它寻求粉丝投入,以创建团队的名称、身份和颜色。 Toronto's new WNBA franchise, owned by Kilmer Sports Ventures, seeks fan input to create the team's name, identity, and colors. 球迷可以在NameYourTeam.ca或WNBA发短信上提交他们的想法. Fans can submit their ideas from now until August 28 via NameYourTeam.ca or by texting WNBA. 一组设计师和顾问将审查捐款情况,在年底前选定最终姓名之前,编制一份法律审查最后名单。 A group of designers and advisors will review the contributions, developing a shortlist for legal review before the final name is selected by the end of the year. 球队计划在2026年赛季开始比赛 成为联赛第14队 The team plans to begin play in the 2026 season as the league's 14th team.