8月7日在Lakeland十字路口被丰田Yaris在交叉路口横行杀死的2名行人。 2 pedestrians killed in crosswalk by Toyota Yaris at Lakeland intersection on 7th Aug.
两名行人在湖区被一辆丰田Yaris撞死在南佛罗里达大道和帝国大道的交叉路口 2 pedestrians were killed in Lakeland by a Toyota Yaris at South Florida Ave and Imperial Blvd intersection on 7th Aug. 该车于下午10时49分向南行驶。 The car was driving southbound when the incident occurred at 10:49pm. 这些行人走过十字路口,司机与当局合作。 The pedestrians were crossing in a crosswalk, and the driver cooperated with authorities. 在正在进行的调查期间,道路被关闭了4小时,当局尚未公布受害者和司机的身份。 The road was closed for 4 hours during the ongoing investigation, and authorities have not released the identities of the victims and driver yet.