比特币的极端波动性将其标记为长期增长的风险投机性投资。 Bitcoin's extreme volatility labels it a risky, speculative investment for long-term growth.
比特币的极端波动性导致金融专家将它称为一种冒险的投机性投资,有些人认为它应该成为多样化投资组合的一小部分。 Bitcoin's extreme volatility has led financial experts to label it a risky, speculative investment, with some suggesting it should be a small part of a diversified portfolio. 价格的迅速波动使管理风险具有挑战性,缺乏有形资产或政府支持加剧了不可预测性。 Rapid price fluctuations make managing risks challenging, and the lack of tangible assets or government backing adds to the unpredictability. 投资专家一般建议不要将比特币作为退休储蓄的基础,并建议采用包括股票和债券在内的多样化投资组合,促进长期增长。 Investing experts generally advise against using Bitcoin as the foundation for retirement savings and recommend a well-diversified portfolio, including stocks and bonds, for long-term growth.