33岁的卡玛·威廉姆斯(Kamar Williams)因与哈克尼刺死案有关而被警方通缉。 33-year-old Kamar Williams sought by police in connection with Hackney stabbing death.
33岁的卡马尔·威廉姆斯(Kamar Williams)因上周在哈克尼(Hackney)刺死公共汽车司机德里克·托马斯(Derek Thomas)而被大都会警察局通缉。 33-year-old Kamar Williams is sought by Metropolitan Police in connection with the stabbing death of bus driver Derek Thomas in Hackney last week. 众所周知,威廉姆斯经常出没于伦敦东部和东南部,于7月27日被发现,但在车祸后逃脱了追捕。 Known to frequent east and south-east London, Williams was spotted on 27 July but evaded capture after a car crash. 警方相信他可能腿部受伤,寻求医疗,并正在接受他人的帮助。 Police believe he may have sustained a leg injury, sought medical treatment, and is receiving help from others. 警告公众不要接近,而要与警方联系,提供任何信息。 The public is warned not to approach but to contact the police with any information.