巴基斯坦首席大法官卡齐·法埃兹·伊萨(Qazi Faez Isa)在独立日为未来的环境中心捐赠土地,但须经政府批准。 Pakistan's Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa donates land for future environmental center on Independence Day, subject to government approval.
在巴基斯坦第77个独立日,首席大法官卡齐·法兹·伊萨(Qazi Faez Isa)和他的家人向俾路支省政府捐赠了位于齐亚拉特区Quaid-e-Azam居住地附近的31,680平方英尺的土地。 On Pakistan's 77th Independence Day, Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa and his family donated 31,680 sq ft of land adjacent to Quaid-e-Azam's Residency in Ziarat district to the Balochistan government. 该土地将用作公共利益的环境中心。 The land will be used as an environmental center for public benefit. 这笔捐款定于2024年8月14日举行,条件是政府批准,并将信件副本发送给总统、总理、俾路支省省长和俾路支省首席部长。 The donation, scheduled for August 14, 2024, is conditional on government approval, with copies of the letter sent to the President, Prime Minister, Balochistan Governor, and Balochistan Chief Minister.