Billy Ray Cyrus与Firerose妻子的离婚因无法调和的分歧而最终结束。 Billy Ray Cyrus finalized divorce from wife Firerose due to irreconcilable differences.
乡村歌手Billy Ray Cyrus在分居三个月后与妻子Firerose(Johanna Hodges)离婚。 Country singer Billy Ray Cyrus finalized his divorce from wife Firerose (Johanna Hodges) after three months of separation. 提出离婚是由于不可调和的差异和不当的婚姻行为。 The divorce was filed due to irreconcilable differences and inappropriate marital conduct. 没有提供赡养费或配偶赡养费,Firerose选择离开动荡的关系,不为钱而战。 No alimony or spousal support was awarded, and Firerose chose to leave the volatile relationship without fighting for money. Cyrus的法律团队说 "他可以把恶梦抛在脑后" Cyrus' legal team stated that he is "relieved to put this nightmare behind him."