29岁的马里奥·桑切斯·马塔(Mario Sanchez-Mata)因二级谋杀罪被捕,在北卡罗来纳州康科德市枪击家庭纠纷,保释金为100万美元。 29-year-old Mario Sanchez-Mata arrested for 2nd-degree murder, domestic dispute shooting in Concord, NC, bond set at $1M.
29岁的马里奥·桑切斯·马塔(Mario Sanchez-Mata)在北卡罗来纳州康科德的一起家庭纠纷中被枪杀,并被指控犯有二级谋杀罪和向被占领的财产发射武器罪。 29-year-old Mario Sanchez-Mata was arrested and charged with second-degree murder and discharging a weapon into an occupied property for shooting and killing his 33-year-old brother, Jose Sanchez-Mata, in a domestic dispute in Concord, North Carolina. 该事件发生在8月3日,并非随机的暴力行为。 The incident took place on August 3 and was not a random act of violence. 马里奥以100万美元的保释金被关进卡巴鲁斯县监狱。 Mario was booked in the Cabarrus County Jail with a $1 million bond.