20岁的Osheaga节参与者淹死在蒙特利尔奥运盆地Parc Jean-Drapeau。 20-year-old Osheaga festival attendee drowns in Montreal's Olympic Basin at Parc Jean-Drapeau.
在蒙特利尔的奥舍加音乐节之后, 一名20岁的音乐节观众在蒙特利尔的奥林匹克盆地在Jean-Drapeau公园溺水. 20-year-old festival attendee drowns in Montreal's Olympic Basin at Parc Jean-Drapeau following Montreal's Osheaga music festival. 受害人在盆地水域失踪,其尸体在星期日晚间被发现。 The victim disappeared in the waters of the basin and his body was found later on Sunday evening. 节日组织者Evenko向受害者家属表示哀悼。 The festival organizer, Evenko, expressed condolences to the victim's family. 调查已转交魁北克验尸官办公室,以确定死亡情况。 The investigation has been transferred to the Quebec coroner's office to determine the circumstances of the death.