俄亥俄州维也纳镇计划使用高速摄像头创收80 000美元,并促进道路安全。 Vienna Township in Ohio plans to use speed cameras to generate $80,000 in revenue and promote road safety.
俄亥俄州维也纳镇计划使用州道82、193、奈尔斯维也纳公路、沃伦沙龙公路和州道11的高速摄像头创收80 000美元,促进道路安全。 Vienna Township in Ohio plans to use speed cameras on state routes 82, 193, Niles Vienna Road, Warren Sharon Road, and state route 11 to generate $80,000 in revenue and promote road safety. 摄像头将拍摄超速车辆的图像,并在发出引证前头30天发出警告。 The cameras will capture images of speeding vehicles and issue warnings for the first 30 days before issuing citations. 该方案旨在帮助乡镇从100万美元的预算短缺中恢复过来,以前曾导致第一反应者被解雇。 The program aims to help the township recover from a $1 million budget shortfall and has previously led to layoffs of first responders.