Schiphol机场在2030年之前将世界上第一个无排放地面活动的氢动力GPU作为世界上第一个无排放地面活动的试点。 Schiphol Airport pilots world's first hydrogen-powered GPU for emission-free ground activities by 2030.
荷兰的Schiphol机场正在试行世界上第一个氢动力地面动力股(GPU),作为到2030年使其地面活动无排放的努力的一部分。 Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands is piloting the world's first hydrogen-powered Ground Power Unit (GPU) as part of efforts to make its ground activities emission-free by 2030. H2-GPU是欧洲联盟委员会共同资助的TULIPS伙伴关系的一部分,它将为KLM市政直升机飞机供电,并在现场加油。 The H2-GPU, part of the TULIPS partnership co-funded by the European Commission, will supply electricity for KLM Cityhopper aircraft and is refueled on-site. 欧洲联盟还部分资助该项目,该项目使用无二氧化碳排放生产的绿色氢。 The European Union also partially funds the project, which uses green hydrogen produced without CO2 emissions.