IIT Madras从校友Krishna Chivukula博士那里收到创纪录的228卢比。 IIT Madras received a record Rs 228 crore donation from alumnus Dr. Krishna Chivukula.
IIT Madras从校友Krishna Chivukula博士(印度有史以来最大的教育机构之一)收到创纪录的一笔228卢比捐款。 IIT Madras received a record-breaking single donation of Rs 228 crore from alumnus Dr. Krishna Chivukula, one of the largest ever made to an educational institution in India. 这笔捐款将支持国际学生奖学金、体育奖学金、优秀研究赠款方案、Shaastra杂志的编写以及克利须那Chivukula区维护等倡议。 This donation will support initiatives such as scholarships for international students, sports scholarships, a Research Excellence Grant Program, development of Shaastra magazine, and maintenance of the Krishna Chivukula Block. IIT Madras在2023-24财政年度创历史新高513卢比,比上一年增长135%。 IIT Madras raised a record high of Rs 513 crore in the 2023-24 financial year, a 135% increase from the previous year.