Cashrewards 收购了 Little Birdie,用于产品搜索和价格跟踪集成。 Cashrewards acquires Little Birdie for product search and price tracking integration.
澳大利亚现金回报平台Cashrewards收购了产品搜索和价格跟踪平台Little Birdie. Cashrewards, an Australian cashback platform, has acquired Little Birdie, a product search and price tracking platform. 购置资产的目的是通过将小鸟鸟在产品搜索和实时价格跟踪方面的能力与市场领先的回扣平台结合起来,加强现金奖励作为最终购物伙伴的地位。 The acquisition aims to enhance Cashrewards' position as the ultimate shopping companion by integrating Little Birdie's capabilities in product search and real-time price tracking with its market-leading cashback platform. Little Birdie的网站和应用程序将在黑色星期五/圣诞节季节前重新启动, 为用户提供无与伦比的购物经验, Little Birdie's website and app will be relaunched before the Black Friday/Christmas season, delivering an unparalleled shopping experience for users to find the best prices and earn cashback. 收购预期会加强现金奖励的市场地位,提高价值,并加快其回扣和零售媒体部门的增长机会。 The acquisition is expected to strengthen Cashrewards' market position, enhance value proposition, and accelerate growth opportunities within its cashback and retail media sectors.