土库曼斯坦和菲律宾签署了政治协商和加强合作的谅解备忘录。 Turkmenistan and the Philippines sign MoU for political consultations and enhanced cooperation.
土库曼斯坦和菲律宾签署了关于政治协商的谅解备忘录,重点是政治-外交互动、贸易、经济、文化和人道主义伙伴关系。 Turkmenistan and the Philippines signed a Memorandum of Understanding on political consultations, focusing on political-diplomatic interaction, trade, economic, cultural, and humanitarian partnerships. 土库曼斯坦外交部副部长艾哈迈德·古尔班诺夫在访问菲律宾期间签署了该备忘录。 The memorandum was signed during a visit to the Philippines by Turkmenistan's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmet Gurbanov. 两国计划加强相互合作,特别是在发展贸易、经济和人道主义联系以及改善其法律框架方面。 The two countries plan to enhance their mutual cooperation, particularly in developing trade, economic, and humanitarian ties, and improving their legal framework.