TPG 电信重新启动与Vocus集团的会谈,可能出售非移动纤维资产。 TPG Telecom re-initiates talks with Vocus Group to potentially sell non-mobile fibre assets.
TPG电信公司在九个月前结束讨论后,由于在商业条款上存在分歧,它恢复了与Vocus集团的会谈,以出售其一些非移动纤维资产。 TPG Telecom has resumed talks with Vocus Group to sell some of its non-mobile fibre assets, after ending discussions nine months ago due to disagreements on commercial terms. 这些资产占TPG2022年财政收入的18%,在2023年8月价值约63亿澳元,当时Vokus集团提出了不具约束力的提议。 The assets, which contributed 18% to TPG's fiscal 2022 revenue, were valued at around A$6.3 billion in August 2023, when Vocus Group had made a non-binding offer. 尽管不是排他性的,但无法肯定会达成一个协议。 Despite being non-exclusive, there's no certainty a deal will be reached.