尼日利亚通过公共投票选择第一名宇航员,与蓝原和SEAA合作,与其他五个国家的公民进行空间飞行。 Nigeria selects first astronaut through public voting, partnering with Blue Origin and SERA for a space flight with citizens from five other nations.
尼日利亚与蓝原和空间探索与研究署合作,通过公共投票选择第一空间旅行者。 Nigeria to choose first space traveler through public voting, partnering with Blue Origin and Space Exploration and Research Agency. 尼日利亚宇航员将与其他五个国家的公民一起参加空间飞行,进行科学实验,并在STEM田间激励尼日利亚青年。 The Nigerian astronaut will join citizens from five other nations on a space flight, conducting scientific experiments and inspiring young Nigerians in STEM fields. 与尼日利亚2050年远景目标相一致,促进经济增长、创新和人力资本发展。 Aligns with Nigeria's Vision 2050 goals, boosting economic growth, innovation, and human capital development.