8月4日,下午4时30分,Salmon Arm Walmart因更衣室着火而撤离。 4 August, at 4:30 PM, Salmon Arm Walmart was evacuated due to a fire in the changing rooms.
8月4日下午4时30分,Salmon Arm Walmart号被疏散,因为服装部更衣室起火。 On August 4th, 4:30 PM, the Salmon Arm Walmart was evacuated due to a fire that started in the changing rooms of the clothing section. 雇员报告说,火焰到达屋顶并激活了商店的喷洒系统。 Employees reported that flames reached the roof and activated the store's sprinkler system. 据信火灾是由使用更衣室的人引起的。 The fire is believed to have been started by individuals using the changing rooms. 火灾原因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation.