广岛发生79年后, 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔和平公园举行集会反对核电, 倡导无核城市和替代能源解决方案. 79 years after Hiroshima, a Newcastle, Australia rally at Peace Park opposed nuclear power, advocating for a nuclear-free city and alternative energy solutions.
广岛轰炸79年后,澳大利亚纽卡斯尔在和平公园主办了一场反对核能的集会,主张该市继续成为无核武器区。 79 years after the Hiroshima bombing, Newcastle, Australia, hosted a rally at Peace Park to oppose nuclear power, advocating for the city to remain a nuclear-free zone. 包括亨特和平组织,纽卡斯尔市,纽卡斯尔大学巴勒斯坦学生和反核活动家在内的团体呼吁使用核能的替代品,例如海上风电场。 Groups including the Hunter Peace Group, City of Newcastle, University of Newcastle Students for Palestine, and anti-nuclear campaigners called for alternatives to nuclear energy, such as offshore wind farms. 他们批评澳大利亚团结和团结联盟的契约及其3 680亿美元的国防拨款,敦促将资金用于人道主义需要。 They criticized the AUKUS pact and its allocation of $368 billion for defense, urging the money to be spent on humanitarian needs. 这次集会强调和平、团结和可再生能源未来的重要性。 The rally emphasized peace, unity, and the importance of a renewable energy future.