81岁的吉娜·塞卡雷利(Gina Ceccarelli)和88岁的德怀特·莫伯格(Dwight Moberg)在里士满庆祝结婚,他们帮助一名埃塞俄比亚妇女逃避虐待而相识。 81-year-old Gina Ceccarelli and 88-year-old Dwight Moberg, who met through helping an Ethiopian woman escape abuse, celebrate their marriage in Richmond.
81岁的Gina Ceccarelli和88岁的Dwight Moberg, 两人在非凡的人生历程中找到了爱, 在里士满教堂庆祝他们的婚姻。 81-year-old Gina Ceccarelli & 88-year-old Dwight Moberg, two people who found love after a remarkable life journey, celebrated their marriage in a Richmond church. 他们的故事起源于意大利, 一位来自埃塞俄比亚的妇女Menbere Aklilo在怀孕、无家可归及逃避虐待关系时, 找到了Ceccarelli的庇护和支持。 Their story began in Italy where Menbere Aklilo, a woman originally from Ethiopia, found refuge and support from Ceccarelli when she was pregnant, homeless & escaping an abusive relationship. 这对夫妇在美国再次相遇,尽管语言障碍,仍利用Google Translate进行沟通,建立牢固的联系,导致他们结婚。 The couple met again in the US and, despite language barriers, used Google Translate to communicate and build a strong connection, leading to their marriage. 他们的爱情故事提醒人们 爱能克服任何障碍 Their love story serves as a reminder that love can overcome any obstacle.