Tesco警告社交媒体上发生750英镑的凭单骗局, Tesco warns of a £750 voucher scam on social media, urging customers to report fake posts.
Tesco警告客户在社交媒体上流传一个假的750英镑凭单骗局, Tesco warns customers about a fake £750 voucher scam circulating on social media, with fraudulent posts appearing to come from former staff members urging users to visit TesOffer.com. Tesco证实,它没有在脸书上进行免费凭证竞争,并报道了假页面。 Tesco confirms that it does not run free voucher competitions on Facebook and has reported the fake page. 如果客户遇到此类帖子,他们应该举报并联系他们的银行和警方(如果他们是受害者)。 If customers encounter such posts, they should report them and contact their bank and the police if they've been victimized.