圣克莱尔Shores警察在巡逻汽车碰撞中被涉嫌醉酒的司机打伤。 St. Clair Shores police officer injured by suspected drunk driver in patrol car collision.
一名寻找被盗车辆的圣克莱尔海岸警察在10英里路附近的I-94公路上撞上他们停放的巡逻车时受伤。 A St. Clair Shores police officer searching for a stolen vehicle was injured when a suspected drunk driver crashed into their parked patrol car on I-94 near 10 Mile Road. 这名军官和司机被送往医院;该警官被释放,疑犯仍然住院,要被转移到Macomb县监狱。 The officer and driver were taken to a hospital; the officer was released and the suspect remains hospitalized, facing transfer to Macomb County Jail. 密歇根州警察局强调驾驶能力受损的风险。 The Michigan State Police emphasized the risks of impaired driving.