渥太华与Carleton大学合作,利用个人和外部数据,建立一个AI系统,预测长期无家可归的情况。 Ottawa partners with Carleton University to create an AI system predicting chronic homelessness using personal and external data.
渥太华合作伙伴与卡莱顿大学合作,开发一个人工智能系统,预测长期无家可归的情况。 Ottawa partners with Carleton University to develop an AI system predicting chronic homelessness. 人工智能使用个人数据,如年龄,性别,土著身份,公民身份和家庭记录,以及外部数据,如天气和经济指标. The AI uses personal data such as age, gender, Indigenous status, citizenship status, and family records, along with external data like weather and economic indicators. 它预测个人在六个月内将在收容所度过多少晚,帮助服务提供者针对那些面临长期无家可归风险的人采取干预措施。 It predicts how many nights an individual will spend in a shelter within six months, aiding service providers in targeting interventions for those at risk of chronic homelessness. AI系统以代码取代可识别的信息,目前正在进行内部测试和验证,在实施前将与住房部门和客户协商。 The AI system, which replaces identifiable information with codes, is undergoing internal testing and validation and will consult with the shelter sector and clients before implementation.