印度国会党批评农业2019年PM-KUSUM太阳能计划表现不佳。 India's Congress party criticizes underperformance of 2019 PM-KUSUM solar energy scheme in agriculture.
印度国会党批评印度政府执行2019年PM-KUSUM计划, India's Congress party criticizes the Indian government's implementation of the 2019 PM-KUSUM scheme, aiming to promote solar energy in agriculture. 据报道,该计划仅实现了已安装的分散式太阳能发电厂目标的2.56%,安装了140万个太阳能泵中的28%,实现了350万个额外太阳能泵中的0.38%。 The scheme has reportedly only achieved 2.56% of its target for installed decentralized solar power plants, with 28% of the 14 lakh solar pumps installed and 0.38% of the 35 lakh additional solarized pumps met. 国会秘书长Jairam Ramesh呼吁改进执行,因为向可再生能源过渡对印度经济和气候复原力至关重要。 Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh called for improved execution, as transitioning to renewable energy sources is crucial for India's economy and climate resilience.