加纳演员Lilwin向女演员Martha Ankomah道歉并解决诽谤诉讼。 Ghanaian actor Lilwin apologizes and settles defamation lawsuit with actress Martha Ankomah.
加纳演员Kwadwo Nkansah(Lilwin)在庭外解决诽谤诉讼后向女演员Martha Ankomah道歉。 Ghanaian actor Kwadwo Nkansah, known as Lilwin, has apologized to actress Martha Ankomah after settling a defamation lawsuit out of court. Lilwin在影片中污辱Ankomah, 怀疑她在电影业的名声, Lilwin faced backlash for a video where he insulted Ankomah, doubting her reputation in the film industry. 原定于7月31日审理的最初法院案件已推迟至2024年8月15日,以最终解决并通过商定条件,作为同意判决。 The initial court case, scheduled for July 31, has been postponed to August 15, 2024, to finalize the settlement and adopt the agreed terms as a consent judgment. Lilwin的公开道歉承认他从未打算侮辱Ankomah, 并呼吁其他人也向她道歉。 Lilwin's public apology admits that he never intended to insult Ankomah and calls for others involved to apologize to her as well.