2名死者在浸礼会健康Corbin医院停车场的汽车中身受枪伤。 2 deceased with gunshot wounds found in car at Baptist Health Corbin hospital parking lot.
2名死者在浸礼会健康Corbin医院停车场的汽车中身受枪伤。 2 deceased with gunshot wounds found in car at Baptist Health Corbin hospital parking lot. 警方认为这是一起孤立的事件, 医院人员或客人没有直接危险. Police believe incident to be isolated, no immediate danger to hospital staff or patrons. 受害者身份被隐, 待近亲人通知, 肯塔基法医办公室的尸检正在进行中. Victims' identities withheld pending next of kin notification, autopsy by Kentucky Medical Examiner's Office is pending. Corbin警察警探Robbie Hodge 正在多个机构的协助下领导调查。 Corbin Police Detective Robbie Hodge is leading investigation with assistance from multiple agencies.