科技委员会捐赠了50台笔记本电脑,并向塔尔克瓦UMAT工程系学生提供奖学金。 BOST donates 50 laptops and offers scholarships to engineering students at UMaT, Tarkwa.
加纳散装石油储存和运输公司BOST向塔尔克瓦矿业和技术大学的工程学生捐赠了50台笔记本电脑,作为四年奖学金一揽子方案的一部分。 BOST, Ghana's Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company, donated 50 laptops to engineering students at the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) in Tarkwa as part of a four-year scholarship package program. 笔记本电脑的目的是便利获取信息、在线研究和学术工作。 The laptops are aimed at facilitating access to information, online research, and academic work. 计划监测学生的学术进步和毕业后的活动, 并考虑有前途的学生就业机会. BOST plans to monitor the students' academic progress and post-graduation activities, with promising students considered for employment opportunities.