Pranitha Subhash女演员准备剖腹产她的第二个孩子。 Actress Pranitha Subhash prepares for a C-section delivery of her second child.
女演员普拉尼塔·苏巴什(Pranitha Subhash)曾出演过多种印度语言的电影,她正准备进行剖腹产,以迎接她的第二个孩子。 Actress Pranitha Subhash, who has appeared in films across multiple Indian languages, is preparing for a C-section delivery to welcome her second child. 2021年与商人Nitin Raju结婚, Subhash分享了怀孕症状的经验, Married to businessman Nitin Raju in 2021, Subhash has shared her experiences of pregnancy symptoms like sleepless nights, hormonal changes, and acid reflux on Instagram. 她和Raju已经有一个女儿,生于2022年5月。 She and Raju already have a daughter, born in May 2022.