41岁的德克萨斯州人克里斯蒂娜·蒙托亚(Christina Montoya)因威胁前总统特朗普而在华盛顿特区被捕,他携带无证枪支。 41-year-old Texan Christina Montoya arrested in DC for threatening ex-President Trump, carrying unlicensed gun.
来自德克萨斯州的41岁的克里斯蒂娜·蒙托亚(Christina Montoya)在华盛顿特区被捕,原因是涉嫌威胁前总统特朗普并无证携带枪支。 41-year-old Christina Montoya from Texas was arrested in Washington DC for allegedly threatening former President Trump and carrying a gun without a license. 美国特勤局周五向大都会警察局发出了蒙托亚的警报,导致她被捕。 The US Secret Service alerted the Metropolitan Police Department to Montoya on Friday, leading to her arrest. 她面临无证携带手枪、持有未注册枪支以及威胁前总统的指控。 She faces charges of carrying a pistol without a license, possession of an unregistered firearm, and making threats against a former president.