Superdrug与居里夫人合作进行Yellow Pennies筹款活动,目标是通过20便士的捐款筹集2000万英镑。 Superdrug partners with Marie Curie for Yellow Pennies fundraiser, aiming for £2m with 20p donations.
Superdrug 与居里夫人合作发起了一项 Yellow Pennies 筹款活动,鼓励购物者今年夏天在店内购物时捐赠 20 便士。 Superdrug has partnered with Marie Curie for a Yellow Pennies fundraising initiative, encouraging shoppers to donate 20p on their in-store purchases this summer. 由于联合王国公众准备花费1.4bn英镑用于自我护理,包括妇女花费871亿英镑,这项举措旨在为Marie Curie的寿终护理服务筹集200多万英镑,如果每五个英国人中有一人在一次购买中捐款20p。 With the UK public set to spend £1.4bn on self-care, including £871m by women, the initiative aims to raise over £2m for Marie Curie's end of life care services if one in five Brits donates 20p on a single purchase.