关于消化问题的社交媒体讨论,如IBS在年轻人中增加,有可能消除他们的污名化,但专家警告不要有错误信息。 Social media discussions on digestive issues like IBS increase among young people, potentially destigmatizing them, but experts warn of misinformation.
年轻人,特别是妇女,在TikTok等平台上,关于消化问题的社交媒体讨论越来越多,如IBS。 Social media discussions about digestive issues, such as IBS, are increasing among young people, especially women, on platforms like TikTok. 这一趋势可能有助于消除这一专题的污名,鼓励更多人寻求帮助。 This trend may help destigmatize the topic and encourage more people to seek help. 然而,专家们对这些平台上的错误信息和未经证实的产品促销提出警告。 However, experts warn about misinformation and unproven product promotions on these platforms. 大脑与肿瘤的联系表明,焦虑和紧张会影响胃肠功能,突出表明对有消化条件的人进行心理健康管理的重要性。 The brain-gut connection suggests that anxiety and stress can impact gastrointestinal function, highlighting the importance of managing mental health for those with digestive conditions. 如果症状恶化或失控,应寻求专业帮助。 If symptoms worsen or become unmanageable, professional help should be sought.